Meta Vibes

The_Art Project

Ru / Eng

Who we are

Hi! We are MetaVibes. We showcase to general public creative people who do what they love, freely express themselves and propel this world forward. Our project is a dynamic experiment searching for new meanings, interaction formats and samples of self-manifestation. We designed the concept in spring 2024, filmed a few episodes, mastered our lesson-learning skills by making some common mistakes first-hand, and launched our channel that same summer. We continue evolving and today we see ourselves as more than just a channel with interviews. We find talents and merge them into a community of active creators who strive for self-expression and share their experiences, creativity and opinions, explain what inspires them and how exactly they go about fulfilling their creative potential. MetaVibes is about introspective search for your calling, leading you to the spaceship of self-expression ready for take-off on the energy of co-creation. Here we share our values and world view with the people.

You only need to know we exist, understand that you can watch our videos, listen to and hear our interviewees. And when you choose to, we’ll be glad to meet you and thank you personally for subscribing, for your likes, comments, participation and support.

team foto

Our philosophy

Meta is our core motive. A reflected reflection, observing the observer, idea of an idea. As a project, we’re targeting consistent motion, search and experiment, flexibility, permanent change of state and never ending transformation. We are accepting of any contrasts, joining their mutual contradiction into a reconciling harmony of differences. Away with dogmas - that’s our credo. Our creativity and style are dynamically changing values in the artistic flow of the visionary process.

We highlight curious and unique stories that have not yet been told. Our heroes reveal themselves to us at the beginning or middle of their journeys, when glory, routine or failure are only words still and not yet a sensory experience. We capture them in motion, creating a clear snapshot of their creativity in the moment. As they continue progressing, they carry on playing their roles and we watch attentively tracking their evolution. In this ongoing play of the meta-theater of life, our heroes may meet new people (including other protagonists and our spectators), rising to the new levels of creation and achieving self-realization. When the time comes, we’ll take another snapshot and report to you where the dreams may lead.

MetaVibes is a deep dive into creativity, it is about erasing boundaries and letting go of expectations. If you’re interested in what inspires different people and you’re looking for inspiration yourself, please join us, subscribe to our social media, watch us, like and comment. You can even suggest your own unique view and style by taking part in creating our videos.

So if you’d like to:

- propose yourself or your friends to be in our future interviews;

- film an interview yourself and post it on our channel;

- propose creative, informational or another collaboration,

feel free to contact us via:



How to help us:



Join our community and let’s shape better future together!

Our video: